Song for this post: "Tigers & Lions & Bears" ~ Tennis
OMG you guys. You know what's inside of this? A person. That's right. It's the Best. Costume. Ever. I NEED this. Thank you Jenny Lawson, for continuously enlightening me and making my world a better, more interesting, and more creative place that lacks any sense of limits or boundaries. You are one of my favorite people EVER.
Also, did you guys see Stephen Colbert weigh in on the Chick-Fil-A fiasco?
Um, lemmeseewhathappenedthisweek...
Somehow I managed to drink wine every single day but yesterday. Not sure how that happened. Okay, I know how it happened. It's called "my coworkers." And then tonight I'm hosting a little ladies sleepover at my house for my lovely friend Pipkin who I adore. So there will probably be more wine.
Speaking of coworkers, one of them is ttly a big deal (okay, they're all a big deal) and is trying to teach me how to cook Asian foods. So she keeps bringing me recipes and SAMPLES of recipes (that's right, she cooks for me and spoils me at work). Now she's going so far as to take pictures of her spice cabinet and bring me groceries because she's really specific about what brands I buy. Today it was coconut milk and candlenuts.
Just don't eat the candlenuts raw. They'll kill you.
Um, here's outside my work. That poor silver man has no friends...
"Ce n'est pas un vrai robo!" |
1. I decided I need to hang a family portrait on my mantel.
2. I finally gave up on humanity when I checked my email and then promptly threw my hands up in frustration and cried:
3. I decided to give humanity another chance when I saw this:
Okay. You know, now that I look at it, items 2 and 3 combined make me question my own moral compass.
4. I made the very real and very serious decision that I'm going to buy a house in Suquamish instead of Seattle. That's right guys. You heard it here first: I'm NOT moving back to the city. I'm hoping to find something similar to this when I start looking at the end of next year.
5. Facebook released an update to their mobile app and offered this brief tutorial.
6. Went to the Summer Beer Fest last weekend. The great thing about where I live is that ALL festivals are in my neighborhood (since I live in the Arts District). So, really, I just have to walk out my front door to go to a festival. It's perfect.
7. And lastly, this happened in a meeting with my boss when the receptionist walked in:
Receptionist: "Rob, do you still have that bag of gummy bears?"
Boss: "No. I replaced it with Jim Beam and granola."
Me: "Why the granola?"
Boss: "Because I like to get drunk and I like to poop."
::Boss pours himself a coffee mug full of Jim Beam::
You are the funniest and best sissy in all the land, and I love you more than cookies.